Where God & Life Connect

Here at Connections Church, it is our desire to help you make the two most important Connections in life, with God and with others!  Whether you are a Christian looking for a church to call home, someone investigating Christianity or you've never attended a church before, we hope you'll join us this Sunday.



Our passion is to see every human being encounter the life-giving love of God found in Jesus Christ! From that place of authentic relationship with Jesus, we seek to help every Disciple grow in spiritual maturity.



Discipleship for us is not “another program” but a lifestyle we pursue. Thus, our view of Discipleship is not “one of our priorities”, but it is the “main priority”.


Home Churches

The birthing of the “Christian Faith” was primarily developed in a Home Church context. Disciples meeting in smaller groups (Homes), to learn about and live out their faith in a smaller community environment.



Come join us on a Sunday, and enjoy a cup of coffee some great music and an inspiring message!